Organizing & Cleaning

6 Weekly Reset Ideas to Try in Your Dorm Room

Haley Karinja
Haley Karinja
Haley Karinja is an undergraduate student at Fordham University. Haley is pursuing a degree in Digital Technology and Emerging Media & Marketing. Haley is working toward a career in digital marketing and has had many internships in social media marketing in sports,…read more
published Dec 6, 2023
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man cleaning bedroom with vacuum cleaner
Credit: Maskot / Getty Images

By now, I’m sure the “weekly reset” trend has reached even the most niche TikTok algorithms. Whether they’re in the form of dorm room deep-cleaning time lapses, voiceovers talking through perfectly crafted to-do lists, or meal prep POVs, these viral videos provide tons of inspiration for those looking to get their lives together … or at least feel a little bit more prepared for a new week. 

My weekly resets have been essential to my success in college. It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday hustle of academics, extracurriculars, and social events, and all the other commitments can pile up and become overwhelming. That’s why I find it so important to take some time for myself to reset. 

Despite what picture-perfect influencers on TikTok may lead you to believe, resets don’t have to be glamorous or aspirational — your reset can (and should!) look however you need it to. Some students may set aside a few hours every Sunday to clean up and plan out events for the week; others might hold a recurring Wednesday spa night to prioritize their mental health in the middle of the week. 

Below, I’m breaking down a few realistic and attainable ideas for reset days, including activities geared toward cleaning, organizing, prepping for the upcoming week, and self-care. Feel free to pick a few that speak to you, or try out the whole list. However you choose to reset, remember the goal is to be left feeling inspired, motivated, and ready to take on whatever comes your way. 

Declutter your room.

With my hectic college schedule, I often don’t find the time to put things where they belong in my dorm room. During my resets, I make an effort to return all my misplaced items back to their respective home — I hang up all of the outfits I tried on and never put back, I organize the notebooks and papers scattered across my desk, and throw out my unfinished Dunkin’ lattes. Whatever the reset activity looks like for you, it will not only help declutter your space, but also your mind.

Clean high-touch surfaces.

If you’re looking for a reset activity that will make a noticeable impact on your space, take the time to wipe down the most often-used areas in your dorm room once a week. For me, that includes my desk, shelves, countertops, and table. Putting on your favorite playlist will help make this seemingly daunting task more enjoyable. 

Credit: Astrakan Images / Getty Images


One of my favorite ways to reset my mind is by journaling. I’m a big fan of the brain dump, in which you allow yourself to freely jot down whatever comes to mind. This can feel very freeing if you’re the type of person who overthinks and needs an outlet to organize their thoughts. Journaling can also be used as a form of manifestation, in which you can write all of your goals in the near or distant future, which can help you feel inspired in the days to come. 

Do something for your body.

Something I’ve learned about myself is that I always feel better after I get some movement in. Whether this is a weekly workout class with my roommates, a trip to the gym, or a hot girl walk, any form of exercise or movement releases endorphins that help me feel happier and more energized. Lower-impact practices such as yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises can have a similar effect on your mental health. Be sure to listen to your body and do what feels best for you.

Plan your week.

On Sunday nights, I love to organize my to-do lists, assignments, and priorities for the next seven days. It can be easy to miss deadlines as a busy college student, but this organization strategy eases my anxieties of forgetting something and ensures I know what to expect heading into the new week. 

This planning session can also extend to meal prepping. I dread picking out meals and cooking, but I’ve turned my weekly meal prep into a reset activity I can look forward to. Once a week, I make a list of all of the meals I want to eat over the next few days, plus all of the ingredients I need to restock, then head out to the grocery store to buy it all. Once I’m back home, I’ll prep anything that can be done in advance to save myself some time in the future. This reset activity means I have one fewer thing I have to decide on a daily basis. 

Take an everything shower.

If you’re aware of the weekly reset trend, I’m sure you’ve also heard about the everything shower, which is basically just the most extensive version of your shower routine. That might include face and hair masks, full-body shaves, dry brushings, gua shas, all of the above, or something totally different — whatever makes you feel extra clean and pampered. I love treating myself to an everything shower on Sunday nights to feel like my most confident self ahead of a new week.

Haley Karinja


Haley Karinja is an undergraduate student at Fordham University. Haley is pursuing a degree in Digital Technology and Emerging Media & Marketing. Haley is working toward a career in digital marketing and has had many internships in social media marketing in sports, entertainment, retail, and more. Haley is also a freelance content creator and specializes in short-form video content. Outside of school and her career pursuits, Haley enjoys fitness and is currently a University Ambassador at Soulcycle. Haley also loves photography, exploring NYC with friends, and going back to her hometown on the Jersey shore for a beach day.

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SchoolFordham University, Lincoln Center '25
MajorBusiness Digital Technology and Emerging Media & Marketing
FavesExploring NYC, coffee, beach days, fitness, photography
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